“Imagination, working at full strength,
can shake us out of fatal, adoring self-absorption
and make us look up and see – with terror or with relief –
that the world does not in fact belong to us at all”
Ursula K. Le Guin
Exploring Creativity, Inspiring Consciousness
At Cameye Arts our core mission focuses on empowering communities through creative projects; and sharing stories that empower through multimedia storytelling. We believe in sharing the voices, telling the stories, and supporting the wellbeing of underrepresented communities.
Our efforts are directed towards supporting these underrepresented communities
LGBTQIA+ PEOPLE: In the 2021 census 4% of Newham’s population identified as LGBTQIA+
YOUNG PEOPLE: Approximately 24.6% of Newham’s population consists of children and young people under the age of 18.
MENOPAUSAL WOMEN: Women make up 47% of Newham’s population. Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 years – which equates to around 10% of women.
Explore Our Features
Spirit of Innovation
Experimentation and playfulness are at the core of all we do.
Conscious Awareness
We consider the broader impact of our actions on stakeholders, clients, community and environment.
Skills Building
Supporting people to thrive in an ever-changing world.